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Request for Prayers

Dearest Friends,

Last night our beloved dog Duke became very lethargic and wouldn’t eat. We took him to the vet this morning where they felt fluids in his abdomen and so they sent us on to the hospital in Lynnwood where the did a number of blood tests and an ultrasound.  The diagnosis is Hemangiosarcoma of the liver, a very serious and invasive type of cancer.  The ultrasound showed that it has spread throughout the liver and so chemo and surgery are not options.  What caused the lethargy is bleeding of the masses.  It seems to have stopped in that his energy has picked up a bit, but they will start bleeding again and cause death very soon.  The vet recommended putting him to sleep as the kindest option.  We decided to take him home with us tonight, for lots of snuggles and time to say goodbye.  Tomorrow a vet will come to our home at 4:00 in the afternoon and euthanize him with us there.

I am heartbroken and in a bit of shock as he was fine yesterday during the day.  The vet said this type of cancer doesn’t manifest until the bleeding starts.

Please pray for Duke and for John and especially me.  I am deeply attached to him and know there is a lot of pain in the weeks ahead.

Love, Christine

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8 Responses

  1. Christine,

    God bless you and yours as you mourn Duke’s passing! My own dear dog Angel is hospitalized overnight at our local vets with God only knows what … and my partner and I lost our dearest Ellie not quite 2 years ago. We miss her still …

  2. peace and comfort to you, christine, as you say good-bye to duke. may you grieve him well.

  3. Prayers for you as you face saying goodbye to old Duke. That is hard to have one day he is fine and then the next sickly. My doggies are praying for their blog friend Duke as he crosses the rainbow bridge. Go ahead and have a good cry.

  4. All three of you will be in my prayers. My dog Bailey, a Westie-Poo, sends her love to you, too.


  5. I am so so sorry Christine. Please give Duke a big hug from us and a kiss and tell him that a big blonde Golden named Sumner (who also had Hemangio) will be waiting to greet him at the bridge….

    If you like stop by my website I have a hemangio support group and you are more than welcome there. Sending you all a big hug.