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BLOG Subscription Option

I have received some email requests from folks asking about how to subscribe to this blog.  I have discovered Feedblitz, a simple website that does this well.  Your email is used only to send you blog updates and is a separate process from being on the Creating Space mailing list.  Here are the instructions:

  1. REGISTER for the service by clicking here.  A new window will open and all you give is a valid email address and a password.
  2. An email is sent to you to confirm your registration. CLICK on the LINK provided to CONFIRM
  3. Log on!
  4. CLICK ON “New Subscription” from the menu on the right.
  5. Enter the URL of this Blog:
  6. Submit the form
  7. Shortly after midnight, eastern US time, you will get an email of the blog postings for the day (if any)

Voila, so very simple!  Of course, you can always just check in to see what’s new by visiting the web page.  Please send me an email if you have been reading the blog and let me know how you like it.

-Christine Valters Paintner (sacredcenter at aol dot com)

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