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Abbess love notes

Decolonizing Contemplative Practice + Prayer Cycle Day 2 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dear monks, artists, and pilgrims,  Today we release Day 2 of our Love of Thousands prayer cycle. Our theme for morning prayer is wrestling with angels, inspired by the ancient biblical story of Jacob who wrestled with a powerful being all night and then demanded a blessing in the morning. I imagine, many of us have had those kinds of seasons of our lives where we walk away wounded but also with new gifts to carry forward.  The theme for evening prayer is we are all called to be saints. St. Paul wrote that we are all “called to be holy”

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Angels, Saints, and Ancestors

The Love of Thousands Reviewed by Spirituality & Practice

I’m honored to share this beautiful review by Jon M. Sweeney at Spirituality and Practice of my latest book The Love of Thousands: How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk With Us Toward Holiness. Here is an excerpt: Christine Valters Paintner is one of our favorite spiritual writers, winner of several of our “Spiritual Book Awards,” and a member of our Living Spiritual Teachers Project. Her latest book is wonderful. Particularly if you find yourself lonely or losing hope, her words of support and encouragement from angels, saints, mystics, and other friends along the spiritual path will buoy your spirits. This is

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Abbess love notes

The Love of Thousands Prayer Cycle, Book, and Album Launch ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

“Walking, I can almost hear the redwoods beating. And the oceans are above me here, rolling clouds, heavy and dark. It is winter and there is smoke from the fires. It is a world of elemental attention, of all things working together, listening to what speaks in the blood. Whichever road I follow, I walk in the land of many gods, and they love and eat one another. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” ―Linda Hogan, Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World

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Monk in the World Guest Post: June Mears Driedger

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for June Mears Driedger’s reflection Yielding to Emerging Life. I learned the story of Celtic Saint Kevin of Glendalough, the founder of the ancient Glendalough monastery, while on a Celtic pilgrimage with Abbey of the Arts in 2016. As the story is told, St. Kevin was praying with his arms outstretched in his monastery cell which was so small his right arm extended through the window. As he prayed, a blackbird nestled in his hand then began to

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Art and Spirituality

Awakening the Creative Spirit In-Person Retreat

Awakening the Creative Spirit: Experiential Education in the Expressive Arts (Northwest) April 21-26, 2024 – St. Andrew’s Retreat Center in Union, WA with Kayce Stevens Hughlett and Betsey Beckman We are excited to announce our only in-person retreat for 2024! Join Kayce Stevens Hughlett and Betsey Beckman for this five-day experiential intensive exploring tools for integrating the arts and imagination into spiritual direction and other healing ministries. This retreat is designed for those who are ready to explore the arts for yourself, for your work with others, and for the world.  Anyone called to the practices of soul care (mentorship, spiritual companion,

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Monk in the World Guest Post Series

Monk in the World Guest Post: Jill Ore

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Jill Ore’s reflection and poem on the contemplative practice of restoring a lighthouse. An offshore lighthouse provides the perfect place, space, and atmosphere for cultivating a contemplative practice. Set apart from the world, this century-old structure echoes timeless monasterial themes. Silence and solitude supply the fertile ground for exploring and tending the light within. Daily housekeeping chores and the physical labor of restoration work, accomplished by climbing endless flights of endless stairs, could be viewed as drudgery. Instead, these duties offer a glimpse

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September Tea with the Abbess

Note: Click CC to turn closed captions on or off. We had a delightful time at our September Tea with the Abbess gathering where we celebrated the Feast of the Archangels with an archangel meditation and movement video, looked at upcoming programs, and had a little Q&A chat. Registration for our Sustainers Circle closes Saturday, September 30th. There are several levels of programming to choose from if you have the means to do so. Your support helps us create free offerings such as the Prayer Cycles and book club, and affords us the ability to offer scholarships and financial assistance to keep

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Jean Wise

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Jean Wise’s reflection Linger with the Questions. For Christmas, my daughter gave me an online subscription to a story sharing software program. This package includes weekly story prompts for the recipient to respond and share a story from their life. At the end of the year, we would receive a hardcover book with all the stories collected in a legacy, keepsake compilation. Each Monday a thought-provoking, memory-stirring question pops into my email. What was your dad like

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Abbess love notes

Sustainers Circle, Abundance, and Gratitude

Gratitude Blessing Spirit of Generosity, we come to you with hearts overflowing with gratitude for your abundant creation. As we awaken each morning, help us to remember this day is a gift, this breath is grace, this life a wonder. Remind us with every flower we see, every act of kindness, every moment of connection to something so much bigger than ourselves, to whisper thank you. Cultivate in us a sense of awe and trust in your lavish grace. Let each word of thanks we offer expand our hearts until delight inhabits us and we know love as our sustenance.

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Dancing Monks Icon Series

Dancing Monk Icon Cards: Remnant and Extras Sale 

We know many of you love our dancing monk icons created by artist Marcy Hall and have appreciated having sets of cards produced. This has become a bit more challenging over time as we continually add to our collection of images and some of you have our original sets of cards (which came either in a plastic wrapper or a green gauze bag and were shipped from Ireland) and some of you have the boxed set (which came in a custom box with a printed guide and were shipped from Seattle in the U.S.).  Currently we are not going to

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