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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kayce Stevens Hughlett

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to our Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Wisdom Council member Kayce Stevens Hughlett’s reflection Being a Monk in the World .

“The moment of pause, the point of rest, has its own magic.” Howard Thurman

In the wee hours of the morning, I sit and remember how essential the moment of pause is for living as a Monk in the World. This October I am grateful to take a respite from travel and sink into the magic of turning leaves and dry-ish temperate days at my home here in Seattle. 

When the Abbey invited me to share my own experience of being a Monk in the World, I knew these words would bubble up in this threshold season between Summer and Fall, Fall and Winter. And between my callings to be out in the world: Europe in September followed by November in Australia. It is a dance I do as a Monk—loving the cozy nourishment of my home hermitage and feeling the strong call to follow ancestral threads and artistic callings in other corners of the Universe. 

One might think of a trip with packed suitcase and airplane tickets as its own pause—a vacation or vacating of one’s life, but, for me, travel (whether in my mind or on another continent) is a time of inhabiting and sinking more deeply into the exquisiteness that is available if only we have the eyes to see. If I can inhabit, infuse, ingest, and integrate the magical moments of pause when I’m out in the world, then it becomes infinitely more accessible when I return home.

Even the idea of “home” has changed its tenor as I continue to live as a Monk in the World. I take my home with me wherever I go. My footsteps, journal, paints and poems all come alive in the moments of pause. Like in music, the pause is both a thing in and of itself, and it is the prelude to what follows, to the spiraling more deeply inward so I can be more present to the world outward. That is why I stroll, rest, paint, write, create, pray, and travel—to move more fully into who I am, on behalf of the greatest good. When I allow space to listen to the still small (and sometimes loud) voice that lives inside me, I am building resilience, connection to the Divine and others, and my own magic. I am following my path as a Monk in the World. 

Kayce Stevens Hughlett, MA LMHC is a soulful and spirited woman. In her roles as ponderer extraordinaire, spiritual director, life muse, author, creative coach, and speaker, she invites us to playfully and fearlessly cross the thresholds toward authentic living. A strong proponent of compassionate care in the world, Kayce’s live and online work focuses on the principle that we must live it to give it.

Kayce’s official titles include: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Spiritual Director, Life Coach, Speaker/Facilitator, and co-creator of SoulStrolling® ~ a movement for mindfulness in motion, at home or abroad. She is the author of three books, including her body-mind-spirit travel memoir, SoulStroller: experiencing the weight, whispers, & wings of the world.  Kayce is a member of Abbey of the Arts Wisdom Council and co-leader of Awakening the Creative Spirit.

Visit Kayce’s website here>>

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