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Monk in the World Guest Post: Roger Butts

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Rev. Roger Butts’ reflection “This Realm of Love.”

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mountain impacts me deeply. His beatitudes bring me fresh inspiration to face the day and find my way. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are those who mourn. I love the rhythm. I love the aspiration. I love the vision. On a gorgeous, sunny, blue autumn day, I noticed how the sun washed all things in beauty. I thought of all the blessings I encountered. I felt how blessed I felt in the encounter. The words of Jesus came to me and I thought who else is blessed? Who do I think of as blessed in this world, as they bless the world? This writing came to me, out of all that beauty.

Blessed are those who march in the streets
Seeking a better way for all God’s people.

Blessed is the single mother, on the bus,
Seeking a better way for her kids, above all.

Blessed is the monk, in his silent cell,
Praying and praying and praying some more.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
Banging guns into garden tools.

Blessed is the man behind the counter
At the neighborhood 7-11, who still says “hey.”

Blessed is the artist, and the poet, and the shrink,
For they see into the center of things.

Blessed is the contemplative and the activist,
For nothing separates them, one from the other.

Blessed is the little white church down the way,
I’ve heard them singing off-key and loving on-point.

Blessed are my dog and your cat and the fish in the fishbowl,
They love with an unconditional zeal.

Blessed are those who get up in the morning,
Seeking beauty in a bruised old world.

Blessed are the dreamers and the do-ers,
Where would we be without them?

Blessed are you and blessed am I,
Living in the unity of all things,
In this realm of love,
Whether we know it or not.

--As you look around, who do you notice is blessed in this world? And how are they blessing the world? And how in the noticing is the world a bit more beautiful?

Reverend Roger Butts was ordained at the Unitarian Church, Davenport, Iowa 20 years ago. He currently lives in Colorado Springs with his black lab, Gracie, three adolescent children, and his beloved, Marta Fioriti, who is a minister in the United Church of Christ.

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