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Health Update from Your Online Abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

I am doing quite well with my recovery from surgery two and a half weeks ago now. My incision has healed up well. My pain has transitioned more to discomfort and I can walk about 10-15 blocks. I am still going very gently but the doctor highly recommended walking along with resting. So thankfully since the weather has been lovely here we walk each day to an outdoor spot for lunch. This time of healing is a gift and I continue to be so grateful for all of your prayers. I feel the presence of my Austrian ancestors too lifting me up and celebrating the miracle that is my body.

My histology report came back negative and no malignant cancer cells were found so I can return home to Ireland on the 25th. I will need to keep going gently for a while after my return too.

In the meantime, quiet mornings for reflection and coffee, a sweet stroll to a leisurely lunch outside, an afternoon nap, a light dinner at our apartment, streaming a movie (I’d highly recommend Coda, Summer of Soul, and Belfast), and early to bed are the healing rhythms of my days. John has of course been great company. Wonderful to get to spend time with my dear friend Katharina too and her husband Wolfgang. With continued gratitude for each of your prayers and blessings. ? (I am a couple of days early for wishing you a “Frohe Ostern”, but here is some bunny love from Vienna’s shop windows for you.)

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Images © Christine Valters Paintner

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