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Virtual Book Tour: Review at Melanged Magic

Eyes of the HeartI am honored to have my book reviewed today by Evelyn Jackson at Melanged Magic.

I found the book both very readable and very thought-provoking. As a person who wants to create beautiful photographs, I found myself challenged to release that expectation and just let myself be gifted with whatever appeared in my view finder. One of the most difficult changes I encountered was shifting the language with which we speak about photography. Think about how you describe photography..taking photos, shooting an image, capturing a shot or light or action. Very aggressive words that describe definitive actions, planning, and specific expectations of a result. Christine speaks only of image-receiving; images that pull us to them as gifts given by a Higher Power for our enjoyment or edification. She invites the reader to be open with a soft focus on the world and to let the process unfold itself in a prayerful manner.

Click here to read the whole review>>

Click here to purchase a copy of Eyes of the Heart>>

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