Monk in the World Guest Post: Elaine Breckenridge
I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Elaine Breckenridge’s reflection on connection with the wisdom of her body, nature, and the healing presence within. In 2015, I took my
10 Responses
Faces of tulips painted in
reds, yellows oranges and green,
then again in
lucent whites, greys, blacks and cream.
Oh joyful tulips
bring on the summer warm greening dreams,
What beautiful reminders to slow down, look closely at everything within.
The colored photos: “Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee…” Nature knows so easily how to BE what it’s created for. But tulips and trees and birds make the journey easier for my growing into who I am created to be. And certainly more joyful – as do great souls like you.
I’m with Nadine on this…seeing the red tulips made me instantly think, “ooh! I want to paint that!” Thank you for sending a smile out to the world.
The red tulips set my painting instincts on fire! The tulips look like the fire tongues of the Holy Spirit ascending on us all!
Ahhhhh! What a beautiful way to begin the day…these photos and the oasis in the desert ones.
Oh such glorious sumptiousness and joy!
oohhhh! :)
Gorgeous photos. The black and white are striking in their own delightful way.
with color: joy and celebration
without color: depth and intensity
It’s all there, the many layers of experience.
Viewed by the lens of your choosing.
All beautiful
All rich
All valid
All accepted.