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Visual Meditation: Savoring Stillness








When I was in Vienna over Christmas my husband and I took a magical walk on the Winter Solstice through the snow-covered gardens of Schonbrunn Palace.  The peace of that foggy day still sings in my heart.  Celebrate the gifts of winter with me.  Breathe deeply and feel the invitation to savor stillness.  Those of you who read here regularly know that winter calls to me and I am called to share her gifts.

Early Registration Extended

Register for the Lenten Online Retreat with the Desert Mothers and Fathers and receive a free gift (a mini-retreat on Stirring in the Belly).  The early registration deadline has been extended until the end of Tuesday, February 1 so sign up today!

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6 Responses

  1. Gratitude for your energy and sightfullness.

    You remind me how sometimes I actually go looking for and appreciating the winter colors… colors of different contrasts and other kinds of intoxication. There seem to be infinite shades of browns and grays and yes plentiful greens. White and black and I sometimes find yellows, reds, and orange surprises.

    The infinite and precious textures that are sometimes stolen by summer colors are so very appreciated too. I like to bring them in as my winter friends.

  2. Your photographs are so beautiful. There is a sort of winsome, ethereal quality to them which is emphasized by the striking contrast between the black and white (or rather cream) imagery. They have a marvellous old-world feeling about them, which seems to call one back to a simpler time and a quieter way of being in this world. Oh and the ducks are so sweet!

  3. Thank you thank you!
    I have been anxious this morning, and your images are just what I’ve needed to stop and breathe and be. As I viewed them, and without even thinking about it, I began to take deeper inspirations and slower exhalations.
    Thanks so much for this ministry to my spirit :).

  4. christine,

    thanks for these images, they help with the way i’ve been sitting with winter in recent days. my intent is to embrace winter for just what it is, here and now, not what it is nurturing, or stirring beneath, or about to bring. my intuition is telling me there is something right here for me to savor, to bless, and to receive.

    i’ve written a bit more about it on my blog, if you’d care to visit

    all is well,

    1. Vicki,
      thanks so much for your comment. Yes, I am in this very same place – wanting to honor winter for its own gifts and not just as a place of incubation for spring. Off to read your post. Christine