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Self Study Online Retreats

Self-paced, Online, Lifetime Access

A Different Kind of Fast Lenten Retreat

A 7 week companion retreat to the book by Christine Valters Paintner. This program is designed to be a Lenten retreat but the material is available any time.

Birthing the Holy: Wisdom of Mary

A 4 week online retreat exploring the wisdom of Mary and the sacred feminine. Guided by Christine and John Valters Paintner, Polly Paton-Brown, Jill Geoffrion, and Betsey Beckman.

Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for the Everyday Sacred

A 4 week companion course to the book guided by Christine and John Valters Paintner, Amanda Dillon, and Jamie Marich.

Contemplative Yoga

A collection of 20 contemplative yoga practices to explore the relationship between body, mind, spirit, and breath. The practices are led by Melinda Thomas and guest presenter Jamie Marich.

Creative Flourishing with St. Hildegard of Bingen

A 6-week online retreat on the wisdom of St. Hildegard of Bingen. Guided by Christine Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman.

Dreaming of the Sea: The Selkie Story

A 7-week online retreat exploring the Selkie story as a map for women’s transformation. Guided by Christine Valters Paintner, Aisling Richmond, and Polly Paton-Brown.

Earth, Our Original Monastery

A 7-week online companion retreat to the book Earth, Our Original Monastery. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman.

Exile and Coming Home

A 6-week online retreat on biblical themes. Guided by John Valters Paintner, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, Ronna Detrick, and Roy DeLeon.

Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice

An 8 week retreat to explore photography as a contemplate practice led by Christine and John Valters Paintner, Aisling Richmond, Amanda Dillon, and Claudia Love Mair.

Give Me a Word

A 5 week retreat to help you discern a word to guide your holy birthing in the season ahead led by Christine and John Valters Paintner and guest teachers.

Journey with the Desert Mothers and Fathers

A 6-week online companion retreat to the book Desert Fathers and Mothers. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner, Betsey Beckman, and Marilyn Freeman.

Lectio Divina: The Sacred Art of Reading the World

A 6-week online companion retreat to the book Lectio Divina — The Sacred Art: Transforming Words & Images into Heart-Centered Prayer. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner.

Monk in the World

An 8 week retreat exploring the principles of the Monk Manifesto which are our guiding principles of being a monk in the world. This retreat is led by Christine Valters…

Orphan, Fool, Sovereign, Prophet: Creating New Beginnings in Times of Unraveling

A 4 week retreat with Christine Valters Paintner and guest teachers exploring the archetypes of the orphan, fool, sovereign, and prophet.

Sacred Rhythms of Sky, Sun, Sea & Stone

A 4-week online retreat exploring the elements of air, fire, water, and earth. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner, Betsey Beckman, and Jan Blencowe.

Sacred Seasons

An 8-session online retreat with reflections, meditations, songs, and dances to mark the turning points of the Celtic wheel of the year. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner and…

Sacred Time

An 8 -week companion retreat to the book Sacred Time: Embracing an Intentional Way of Life. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman.

The Love of Thousands

A 14 week companion retreat to the book The Love of Thousands exploring angels, saints, and ancestors. This retreat is led by Christine Valters Paintner and guest teachers.

The Mystical Heart: Love as a Creative Force

10 recorded retreats in audio and video format exploring the wisdom of 10 Christian monks and mystics led by Christine Valters Paintner and guest teachers.

The Soul of a Pilgrim

An 8-week companion retreat to the book The Soul of Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner and Jamie Marich.

The Soul’s Slow Ripening

A 12-week online companion retreat to the book The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman.

The Wisdom of the Body

A 10-week online companion retreat to The Wisdom of the Body: A Contemplative Journey to Wholeness for Women. Guided by Christine Valters Paintner, Betsey Beckman, Aisling Richmond, and Jamie Marich.

Virtual Celtic Pilgrimage: The Wisdom of Irish Saints Kevin, Ita, and Enda

A 9 day virtual pilgrimage to the west coast of Ireland with Christine Valters Paintner, Simon de Voil, and guest teachers. Includes a bonus poetry reading and presentation on the…

Virtual Celtic Pilgrimage: The Wisdom of Saints Colman, Sourney, and Patrick

A 9 day virtual pilgrimage to the west coast of Ireland with Christine Valters Paintner, Simon de Voil, Betsey Beckman, and guest teachers.

Virtual Celtic Pilgrimage: The Wisdom of the Irish Saints Brigid, Ciaran, & Gobnait

A 9 Day Virtual Pilgrimage to the west coast of Ireland with Christine Valters Paintner, Simon de Voil, Betsey Beckman, and guest teachers.

Visionary, Warrior, Healer, Sage: Archetypes to Navigate an Unravelling World

A 5 week retreat with Christine Valters Paintner and guest teachers exploring the archetypes of the visionary, warrior, healer, and sage.

Watershed Moments in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures

A 7-week online retreat on biblical themes. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner, Melissa Layer, and Richard Bruxvoort Colligan.

Way of the Monk, Path of the Artist

A 12-week online companion retreat to the book The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom. Guided by Christine & John Valters Paintner.

Writing as a Spiritual Practice

A 28 day creative journey to open to a sustained, generative writing practice led by Christine Valters Paintner.

Writing In Season

Online retreat Self-study, start anytime Move at your own pace, in your own place Lifetime access Register Now Program Description What’s Included Register Now Your Guide for the Journey Christine…

Writing with the Ancestors

Online retreat Self-study, start anytime Move at your own pace, in your own place Lifetime access Register Now Program Description Who are the wise and well ancestors to help guide…