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Another great review of Water, Wind, Earth, & Fire

I am honored to have my book Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements reviewed on the wonderful site Spirituality and Practice: “This well-done and quote-filled paperback forges deep and rich connections between the Christian faith and the natural world.”

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Easter Season E-Course Registration Reminder

Register for the Easter Season E-Course by the end of today – April 1st – and receive an early registration free bonus copy of What is Blossoming Within You? and your books will mail out tomorrow. If you order between April 2-11 your books will ship on Monday, April 12th.  Hope you will join the fun! WATER, WIND, EARTH & FIRE: Easter Season Five-Week E-Course Practice Resurrection •  Pray with the Elements April 18-May 23, 2010 Forest and field, sun and wind and sky, earth and water, all speak the same silent language, reminding the monk that he is here

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The Exquisite Tenderness of Bodies

This article also appeared over at Patheos (click on the link and to the right of my piece you can see a whole list of articles for their discussion this week on religion & the body): Here I am. This is the body-like-no-other that my life has shaped. I live here. This is my soul’s address. -Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith Two summers ago I was traveling in Austria and visited the tiny village of Hallstatt. Perched between a mountain and a lake, Hallstatt is best known for its early Celtic heritage and

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Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire

I just got the cover design in the mail for my book Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements from Ave Maria Press (coming in March 2010!).  I really like the design a lot, especially the four symbols for the elements in the upper right (not as clear to see in the image). Very exciting to begin to imagine what this will look like – the container for all of my hard work and passion! I am also delighted at the advance reviews/blurbs from some of my favorite authors: “For too many centuries, too many Christians

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Travel to Chiapas for Art & Spirit

This trip sounds amazing and I would be signing up if it didn’t conflict with a major event I coordinate for one of my jobs.  So I am encouraging any of you who might be interested in traveling with a group of pilgrims for an experience that is sure to be filled with creative inspiration and spiritual depth: One Equal Heart Foundation and the Grünewald Guild are co-sponsoring a trip to Chiapas, Mexico, March 6-21, 2010, for artists and people interested in exploring creativity and spirituality in this rich and ancient place. We will have two wonderful women artists accompany

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Abbey Bookshelf: An Altar in the World (on the body)

Do you have a body? Don’t sit on the porch! Go out and walk in the rain! If you are in love, then why are you asleep? Wake up, wake up! You have slept millions of years Why not wake up this morning -Kabir “In a world where faith is often construed as a way of thinking, bodily practices remind the willing that faith is a way of life.” (xvi) “Here I am.  This is the body-like-no-other that my life has shaped. I live here.  This is my soul’s address.” (38) from An Altar in the World: A Geography of

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I always find these end of summer days difficult.  There is the last spate of hot weather which I really dislike.  My sweet husband, a high school teacher, has summers off and so these slow days of spending time together will be coming to an end soon.  And probably most significant (more so than I used to give credit), the end of August and beginning of September bring both my father’s and mother’s birthdays.  Having lost both of them, this time is always filled with a spectrum of feelings: grief, sorrow, anger, rage, gratitude, wonder.  I am an only child, so

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