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Monk in the World Guest Post: Betty Vandervest

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Betty Vandervest ‘s reflection Flowing with the Holy Spirit. I believe the act of creating artwork is tapping into the Divine. The Holy Spirit is with me as I move into the flow of color and image. Time stands still. Whether I’m painting a flower or an abstraction, it’s all God’s creation that I’m focusing on, paying attention to, and contemplating. I’m a convert to Catholicism, and I’ve always been fascinated by Catholic images. I’m also a

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Imbolc and Brigid Blessing ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Imbolc and Brigid Blessing*Spirit of the rumbling ground,help us attune our ears to the renewal taking formbeneath the winter earth,snowdrops and crocusesin white and purple-petaled wonder,hedgehogs and bearsbeginning to stir from sleep.Let Brigid be our guideas we navigate the way from rest to slow emergence,support us in nourishing the fragile seeds of possibility.May her birds, the oystercatcherslift our hearts on currents of love,may her devoted cowremind us of generous abundance,may her perpetual flame kindle our own sparks,may her mantle embrace usand offer protection,may her waters of the sacred wellsbless and refresh us for the journey ahead. As the bellies of

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Mary as Mother of Mercy

I was inspired to share this reflection on Mary as Mother of Mercy by the brave words of Bishop Mariann Budde speaking truth to power: Holy Mary, mother of us all,we see a world filled with violence toward one another,we ask for mercy.We see children and the elderly dwelling in poverty,we ask for mercy.We see the earth being slowly choked and poisoned,we ask for mercy.We live in a culture that values people onlyfor what they produce and achieve,we ask for mercy.We recognize the ways our ownmoment by moment choices contributeto the above realities, we ask for mercyIn your gracious mercy

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Samhain Retreat + Love of Thousands Video Prayer Cycle Day 3 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Blessing of the Saints* May the communion of saintsshower you with blessings,may you seek their guidancein moments of illness, confusion, gratitude.We remember their own struggles,living their humanity, enfleshed and tender.We ask those across the threshold to pray for usknowing what it is to be wounded.Call on the canonized saints,Benedict, Francis, Ignatius, Hildegard,Thea Bowman, Oscar Romero,and the saints of spirit,Howard Thurman, Dorothy Day,and thousands of otherswho witnessed to another way of being,who helped to build a community of love.Let them tether us to their earthiness,and remind us of the holinessof bone and blood, the grace of our bodiesin bringing love to

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The Soul of a Pilgrim Translated Into Braille

The Xavier Society for the Blind in New York City recently translated Christine’s book The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within into braille! Since 1900, Xavier Society for the Blind has been providing free braille, large print and audio books to blind and visually impaired people worldwide in order for them to learn about, develop, and practice their faith. The Xavier Society has been around for 124 years and offers thousands of books available in braille and audio and serve clients of all ages and faiths, from Ireland to Australia. They are trying to serve more people in new

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Love of Thousands Video Prayer Cycle Day 1 ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, We have two free gifts for you today! It is with great joy that we start to release the video podcasts of our Love of Thousands Prayer Cycle this week. The theme for our Day 1 morning prayer is the archangels and for evening is the guardian angels. Here one of the prayers of concern for morning written by our Wisdom Council member Claudia Love Mair: “Creator/Creatrix, you sent the Archangel Gabriel to visit Mary and herald the arrival of Jesus. Send them to us that we may give birth to music, dance, and art, to

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Christine Interviewed on The Liturgical Rebels Podcast

I was invited to join Christine Sine on her podcast The Liturgical Rebels to have a conversation about Celtic spirituality, living with chronic illness, and my newest book A Midwinter God.  * * *  The Liturgical Rebels podcast is for spiritual seekers who no longer feel comfortable with a traditional approach to Christian religious observances. It empowers followers of Jesus to creatively reconstruct their faith and spiritual practices.  * * * Christine Valters Paintner shares her journey through life, which she describes as reminiscent of the Celtic saints. She discusses her experiences living in different places, including Ireland, and the

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