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Category: Prayer Cycle


Prayer Cycle Podcast + Feast of All Saints & Souls ~ A Love Note from the Online Abbess

Click here to listen to the audio podcast. Dearest monks and artists, We share this week the morning prayer from Day 3 of our Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle. In Day 3 we explore Earth as the original saints. Thomas Merton wrote that the bass and the mountain, the sea and the trees are the original saints. “To be a saint means to be myself,” and we can learn a great deal about sainthood by being in the presence of creatures and the natural world who cannot be other than who they were created to be. With us it is more

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Prayer Cycle Podcast + Honoring Ancestors ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Listen to the Audio Podcast of Day 2 Evening Prayer Here >> Dearest monks and artists, We offer you the audio and video podcast for Day 2 Evening Prayer on the theme of Earth, our original scriptures. In the Celtic way of seeing the world, Earth was one of the two books of revelation alongside the holy text. The seasons beckon to us with their continual unfolding and wisdom about what it means to be fully human in this world and embrace rhythms of flowering, fruitfulness, release, and rest. Last week I talked about how dawn and dusk are threshold

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Prayer Cycle Podcast + Listening at the Threshold ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Listen to the Audio Podcast Here >> Dearest monks and artists, I am thrilled to share with you above the video and audio podcasts for Day 2 Morning Prayer. We hope that you are enjoying these resources! In the Celtic imagination, the hours of dawn and dusk are considered threshold times when the veil between worlds is especially thin. When we show up for morning and evening prayer we open ourselves to an encounter with the Holy One reaching toward us. This encounter is always available, but it is in these sacred moments of Earth’s turning when we become more open

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Poetry Book Launch + Prayer Cycle Podcast ~ Love Note From Your Online Abbess

Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle: Day 1 Evening Prayer from Abbey of the Arts on Vimeo. Click Here to listen to the Audio Podcast Dearest monks and artists, Celebrate with me! In addition to our Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle being released this fall, I am delighted that my second poetry collection – The Wisdom of Wild Grace – is also  launching with an online event hosted by Paraclete Press tomorrow on October 12th. (Register here) I would be most grateful if you would consider writing a review on Amazon or Good Reads. Every review and recommendation helps the work spread. Read

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Prayer Cycle Video & Audio Podcast Launch ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle: Day 1 Morning Prayer from Abbey of the Arts on Vimeo. Dearest monks and artists, Happy Feast of St. Francis! It is an especially appropriate day to announce that today we are launching a series of audio & video podcasts for our Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle. It has long been a dream of mine to create a series of morning and evening prayers for the Abbey of the Arts community, prayers that were inclusive and poetic, that celebrated our kinship to all of creation, that encouraged us to sing and dance. This Prayer Cycle really came

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