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Christine Interviewed on The Liturgical Rebels Podcast

I was invited to join Christine Sine on her podcast The Liturgical Rebels to have a conversation about Celtic spirituality, living with chronic illness, and my newest book A Midwinter God. 

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The Liturgical Rebels podcast is for spiritual seekers who no longer feel comfortable with a traditional approach to Christian religious observances. It empowers followers of Jesus to creatively reconstruct their faith and spiritual practices. 

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Christine Valters Paintner shares her journey through life, which she describes as reminiscent of the Celtic saints. She discusses her experiences living in different places, including Ireland, and the challenges and joys of following a pilgrimage-like path. Christine also talks about her love for Benedictine and Celtic spirituality, the importance of nature in her spiritual practice, and the significance of circles and circling prayers. She describes herself as a monk in the world and discusses the Abbey of the Arts, her online monastery. Christine also shares about her book, A Midwinter God, which explores encountering the divine in seasons of darkness.

Christine Valters Paintner is a Benedictine oblate and the online Abbess at Abbey of the Arts, a virtual monastery integrating contemplative practice and creative expression. She is a poet and the author of more than 20 books on the spiritual life. Her newest book is A Midwinter God: Encountering the Divine in Seasons of Darkness. Christine lives on the wild edges of Ireland with her husband John and dog Sourney, where they lead online programs for a global community.

* Following a pilgrimage-like path can lead to a life reminiscent of the Celtic saints
* Nature is an important aspect of spiritual practice, and the Celtic tradition sees it as the original sacred text
* Circles and circling prayers are powerful symbols of wholeness and can be used in prayer and meditation
* Living with chronic illness can be a teacher and lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the divine
* Abbey of the Arts offers resources and community for those seeking a contemplative and creative path

You can find more about Christine Valters Paintner and her work at | Transformative Living through Contemplative and Expressive Arts

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Listen to the conversation here.

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