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Post-Surgery Health Update from Christine

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

First enormous gratitude for your generous love, care, and prayers for me. I have absolutely felt surrounded by them along with the angels, saints, and ancestors, Mary as Life Giving Spring, and the Divine Healer infusing me with greening life energy. I checked into the hospital Tuesday and had my transadominal hysterectomy first thing Wednesday. My doctor was so kind to come hold my hand as I went under. According to her all went very well. Yesterday I felt pretty awful but to be expected after anesthesia and a major surgery.

The nurses and assistants here have been very kind and I’m getting a chance to practice my German. Today (Thursday) I am much better. I even ate a bit of breakfast, walked to the sink with assistance to freshen up, and may get my catheter removed later. I should be in the hospital until Sunday all being well and will then return to John’s able care in the apartment we’re renting in Vienna for another 3 weeks. Slow and gentle are my mantras. Breath Prayer is an intimate companion as I meet each moment. More updates as I’m able but focusing on healing now and recovery. Back to my holy pause.

With great and growing love,


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