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Introduction to Birthing the Holy: Exploring the Sacred Feminine and Archetypes

Seminary of the Wild recently welcomed Abbey of the Arts online abbess, artist, contemplative, and prolific author, Christine Valters Paintner as a guest Wild Luminary speaker. Christine shares from her new book exploring the archetypes of Mary and the sacred feminine. “The sacred feminine is not at the expense of the masculine. We need both in healthy balance to one another. The feminine values qualities of intuition, dreaming, receiving, and resting among others. We all hold the feminine and masculine within ourselves. Mary offers us many faces of this sacred feminine presence and can help us to cultivate a slower, more intentional way of being in the world.” (from her Nov 2021 monthly “Love Letter” email.)

Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE is the online abbess for Abbey of the Arts, a virtual monastery and global community. She is the author of numerous books on contemplative spirituality and creativity, including Earth, Our Original Monastery and two collections of poems. Christine is a Benedictine oblate living in Galway, Ireland, with her husband, John. Together they lead online retreats and prayer experiences at their website

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