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Monk in the World: Moving with Mystery ~ Dancing Retreat with Betsey Beckman

February 5, 2022

9am-12pm Pacific

with Betsey Beckman, hosted by St. Placid Priory

$45, Partial scholarships available. Please contact the Priory for more information.

What would it be like to be a Dancing Monk?  How might a practice of Moving with Mystery help us navigate these trying times?  Come spend a morning dancing your way through the Monk Manifesto*, a set of 8 principles for contemplative, creative, and compassionate living.  At Abbey of the Arts, we have created dances for each of the 8 Monk practices, and you will have a chance to learn and embody some of our favorite dances as you reflect on these movements in your own life.  Explore Silence and Solitude, Hospitality, Community, Kinship with Creation, Work, Sabbath, Conversion, and Creative Joy.

*The Monk Manifesto was written by Christine Valters Paintner and is the Rule of Life for the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks at Abbey of the Arts. Preview the dances below.

Click here for details and registration information.

Betsey Beckman, MM is the founder of The Dancing Word, a ministry of dance, storytelling, spiritual direction, retreats and video artistry.  She directs the Movement Ministry at her home parish, St. Patrick in Seattle, and works closely with Abbey of the Arts to create contemplative embodiment resources. Betsey is also a member of the Abbey’s Wisdom Council.

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