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Please send us your input for our Book Club

Greetings dear monks and mystics!

While we’re taking a short hiatus to honor Claudia’s need for time and space to grieve we thought we’d check in with all of you about how our Lift Every Voice Book Club can better suit your needs. We are very committed to continuing this work in one form or another as it is so vital to these times and we have been deeply enriched by it and are hungry for more.


1. Do you find the *monthly video conversations* between the author, Claudia, and myself helpful? We started adding the audio files so you could listen while doing other things. What would make these more helpful? Would you prefer it to be released as a podcast format?

2. Do you find the *daily quotes and questions* posted here in this group helpful?

3. The two times we offered a *community conversation* time it was lovely but a very small group involved. Is there another way you’d feel more engaged in the conversation? Or is the video and/or daily quotes enough? 

4. Would you be interested in a 3 or 4-day retreat online where we bring in our various featured authors (and perhaps some others) to lead 90-120 minute sessions which include contemplative practice? Or a series of mini-retreats throughout the year?

5. Other suggestions? 

Please feel free to send us an email or leave a comment below.

With gratitude in advance for your feedback and suggestions. 

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