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Earth, Our Original Monastery Journeys in Community!

During these coming months (Oct 2020 – April 2021) I am working with a group of dancing monks from our Abbey community who want to facilitate my book Earth, Our Original Monastery with their own small groups and retreat settings. Below I will be adding the details for those offerings which have open registration in case you’d like to join some folks local to you in making this journey together. Some programs will be entirely online, some a hybrid of live in-person (with social distancing outdoors) and online gatherings.

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St Bede’s Pastoral Centre in York UK – ONLINE

Facilitated by Linda Courage

Earth Our Original Monastery

A seven month journey through “Earth, Our Original Monastery” by Christine Valters Paintner.  Linda writes “this book helps us to find and know our rightful place in relationship with Earth. Each chapter engages our senses to penetrate, sink into, and rest in this finding and knowing.”

With time together, and individual space, we’ll explore and experience Earth as Cathedral, Scripture, Saints, Spiritual Directors, Icons, Sacraments, and Liturgy. Please buy your own copy of the book to use throughout the series.

Linda Courage is Coordinator of the Arts and Spirituality Special Interest Area of Living Spirituality Connections, where she is a member of the Work and Discernment Group.  Her primary spiritual home is in the Abbey of the Arts.

Session Dates

10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (UK time) on the following Fridays: 30 October; 27 November; 18 December; 29 January; 26 February; 26 March; 30 April

Offered through St. Bede’s Pastoral Centre

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