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Earth, Our Original Monastery:
Dancing Our Way to the Divine – DVD now available!

Abbey of the Arts presents our newest DVD offering 13 contemplative prayer dances for every-body created by Betsey Beckman and one poem video! All Teaching and Dance-Along videos are filmed outdoors to invite you into the joy of encountering the Divine in nature. Through embodied prayer, celebrate Earth as our original cathedral, scriptures, saints, spiritual director, icon, sacrament and liturgy. Move with the gifts of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Pray with Saint Gobnait, Saint Francis, and walk with beauty in honor of the Diné Navajo tradition.

The DVD accompanies the CD, Earth, Our Original Monastery: Singing Our Way to the Sacred and the book, Earth, Our Original Monastery: Cultivating Wonder and Gratitude through Intimacy with Nature by Christine Valters Paintner (Ave Maria Press).

These songs and dances also companion our Earth Monastery Prayer Cycle – a 7-day cycle of morning and evening prayer cultivating reverence for the gift of Creation!

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