In Fall 2018 Christine Valters Paintner released her book The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred which has been really well received as a wonderful resource to break open Celtic spirituality for the contemporary seeker.
We followed that book up with our second album, The Soul’s Slow Ripening: Songs for Celtic Seekers (available from CDBaby as a digital download or CD), which includes twelve songs from wonderful musician friends to deepen your experience of Celtic tradition and prayer.
We are delighted to announce we now have our DVD available, The Soul’s Slow Ripening: Dancing the Sacred on a Celtic Path (available as a DVD or video streaming), with dances and gesture prayers to accompany each of the songs created by Betsey Beckman, one of our wonderful teachers and Wisdom Council members.
And you can find all of the dancing monk icons that artist Marcy Hall created of our Celtic monks and mystics at her Etsy shop (prints available).
At Abbey of the Arts we delight in offering creative resources for the spiritual journey. Reflect, sing, dance, and pray with all of your senses on the Celtic way!