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New Live Retreats added in spring 2019 – U.S. and France!

Our Ireland retreats and pilgrimages are full already for 2019, however we have two new opportunities for you to join Christine for creative inspiration and contemplative deepening:






Writing on the Wild Edges in the Pacific Northwest
March 10-14, 2019
Join us at St. Andrew’s Retreat House on the Hood Canal for a 4-night creative writing retreat. This retreat is normally offered only in Ireland, so take advantage of this opportunity to journey to the wild edges in a supportive community of kindred souls. Limited to 14 participants.

More details and registration here >>

(Christine will also be co-leading a day retreat at ISC in Seattle with Betsey Beckman on March 9th and a workshop session at the SDI conference in Bellevue March 14-17, 2019)

Poetry and the Sacred Garden of the World:
A Veriditas Retreat in Chartres, France
June 10-14, 2019

Join Christine in Chartres for a five-day immersion into the gifts of poetry and how they can break us open to encounters with the sacred revealed in the ordinary. This retreat is held in collaboration with the Veriditas labyrinth facilitation folks and will include a private evening walk on the labyrinth in Chartres cathedral.

More details and registration here >>

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

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