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Illuminating the Way: new 12-month journey with FREE monthly teleconference

Starts Monday, May 23rd with Francis of Assisi!

COVER-illuminating-the-way-200x300Join us for a FREE 12-month journey through Christine Valters Paintner’s newest book Illuminating the Way: Embracing the Wisdom of Monks and MysticsEach month Christine will host a teleseminar where she will explore some of the themes of the monk and mystic featured, lead a meditation experience, and read one of her poems, as well as offer the opportunity to ask questions. The recording will be available if you can’t participate live on the call. This is a wonderful way to move slowly and intentionally through the material. You do need to purchase your own copy of the book to participate but the online journey is free to all of our wonderful email newsletter subscribers.

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I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Elaine Breckenridge’s reflection on connection with the wisdom of her body, nature, and the healing presence within. In 2015, I took my

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