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Coming Home to Your Body – an online retreat for women


September 21-November 28, 2015 | 10-week online retreat

with Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE + ten fabulous guest teachers + two amazing forum facilitators = a recipe for deepened body love!

If only we can bring the wisdom of the body to consciousness, spirit will no longer be homesick for home.”
–Marion WoodmanLeaving my Father’s House

What if you made a radical commitment to embrace the gift of your body as sacred vessel?

What if you began the long and beautiful journey home?

Together in this 10-week online retreat for women we will create a body wisdom tribe of dancing monks, sensual monks, monks delighting in the gifts of embodied life, and monks lamenting the places of loss and betrayal. We will root these in ancient practices and texts. We will discover that we are part of a larger Body and a Cosmic Dance, which constantly offers us the nourishment we need to thrive.

Register by Sept 7th for early discount.

Click here for more details and registration>>

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