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The Soul of a Pilgrim Summer Blog Book Tour

book-tour-buttonFor the next eight weeks I am on a blog book tour for The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within, offering guest posts or interviews at a different stop each week.

This first week I am interviewed at Carl McColman’s website. Here is a brief excerpt:

Can you briefly share with the readers the story of the book? Was it directly a result of your own move/pilgrimage, or what other factors may have contributed to its gestation?

Yes, it has really been the fruit of several years of embarking on what my husband and I call ancestral pilgrimages, to lands which shaped the imagination of our ancestors: Austria, England, Germany, Ireland, and Latvia. Our decision in 2012 to make a move overseas and go on a midlife adventure broke open my own deepened appreciation of pilgrimage as a metaphor for daily life. I think even further back, my own diagnosis with an autoimmune illness in my twenties, and then later mother’s sudden death in 2003 which left me bereft for a long time also contributed to my desire to see these experiences as part of something archetypal.

You can read the whole interview here>>

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