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May 18: Stranger – Pilgrimage of Resurrection
(A Creative Journey through the Easter Season)

Pilgrimage of Ressurection

Word for Today: Stranger

May 18 - Stranger[Benedict’s Rule calls me] to welcome in every stranger who comes to the door as the face of the divine…. At its core, it means that everything that seems strange, foreign, or uncomfortable is the place where God especially shimmers forth.

—Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight Practices for the Journey Within

Reflective Question: While it is relatively easy to see how this deep hospitality applies to strangers, can you see how it equally applies to an inner kind of hospitality, when we extend a welcome to the full spectrum of emotions, beliefs and thoughts which inhabit our hearts and minds? How does it make you feel when you realize that these are precisely the places where we are called to meet God?

Next steps:

Walk the Ancient Paths: Join us on pilgrimage to sacred landscapes>>

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