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Welcome to Liz and Melinda

It takes a lot of work to keep an online monastery running smoothly. We have been in need of admin support for a while now and finally are able to welcome in the help we need. We are delighted to introduce Liz Rasmussen and Melinda Thomas Hansen. Liz will be helping reply to some of the emails which come through and Melinda will be working behind the scenes to get blog posts up and the email newsletter sent out.

IMG_4141 - Version 2Melinda Thomas Hansen practices living as a monk in the world through meditation, writing, art, yoga, and engaging in relationship. A long time yoga teacher Melinda blends ancient wisdom with modern understanding to guide others from feeling stuck, disconnected or uninspired to a vibrant, creative and nourishing daily experience of Life. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, one year old son and their cat. Visit her at


1fb98c07-e661-4cc0-a66b-9f6367ea0f03-1Alizabeth Rasmussen is a freelance writer, photographer and baseball-mom whose work has appeared in damselfly pressWild Violet and Mused: The Bella Online Literary Review, among others.  After the stroke (June 2013), she has been focusing on her healing, which includes a lot of slowing down (or she’s trying, it’s a practice!).  She volunteers at the hospital for the stroke group, and the chaplaincy program. She’s training to be a Spiritual Director at the Franciscan Center in Portland, OR.   She blogs regularly at Write Click (

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