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Next 4 Dancing Monk Icons now available as prints!

King DavidOur wonderful artist-in-residence Marcy Hall, the creativity behind our amazing series of dancing monks, has completed the second four in the series of dancing monks. You can stop by her website to order a beautiful print reproduction of Francis of Assisi, Brendan the Navigator, King David or Prophet Miriam. Please note: orders must be placed by the end of August and shipping will take place at the end of September.

50% of the purchase price goes to support the Earth Monastery Project and the Abbey scholarship fund.

There are four more icons coming in this initial series: Thomas Merton, Rainer Maria Rilke, Dorothy Day, and Amma Syncletica (one of the desert mothers). Marcy hopes to have those completed by early autumn, at which time you will be able to order from all 12 of the series!

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