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Invitation to Photography: Return to me with your whole heart

Welcome to this month’s Abbey Photo Party!

button-photographyI select a theme and invite you to respond with images.

We began this month with a Community Lectio Divina practice with words from the prophet Joel, read every year on Ash Wednesday. “Return to me with your whole heart” are a powerful words to begin the sacred season of Lent. What if we were to imagine Lent as less about sacrifice, and more about making the great return to God.

I invite you for this month’s Photo Party to hold these words in your heart as you go out in the world to receive images in response. As you walk be ready to see what is revealed to you as a visual expression of your prayer.

You can share images you already have which illuminate the theme, but I encourage you also to go for a walk with the theme in mind and see what you discover.

You are also welcome to post photos of any other art you create inspired by the theme.  See what stirs your imagination!

How to participate:

You can post your photo either in the comment section below* (there is now an option to upload a file with your comment – your file size must be smaller than 1MB – you can resize your image for free here – choose the “small size” option and a maximum width of 500).

You can also join our Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Facebook group and post there. Feel free to share a few words about the process of receiving this image and how it speaks of the “Return with your whole heart” for you.

*Note: If this is your first time posting, or includes a link, your comment will need to be moderated before it appears. This is to prevent spam and should be approved within 24 hours.

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54 Responses

  1. What was at the center of a labyrinth that I walked recently. The whole retreat was a returning to my hearts center.

  2. Inspired by this poem I wrote recently near the 25th anniversary of my beloved Irish Dad’s passing, I created this collage 2 nights ago.

    “Blues Bring Me Back Home”

    Clear sparkling sky,
    Cobalt in my Dad’s Irish eyes,
    Aqua sea in my Mother’s.
    So many blues in my inner home,
    Deep, deep turquoise blue
    in my wild Irish crystal ball,
    Healing blues,
    healing, healing, healing
    my lyrical Irish heart–
    robin’s egg blue, aqua blue, soft blue green,
    and ultramarine.
    Lavender blue, and all blue greens
    bring me back to your sky, fields and sea,
    Back home to you, now, sweet Ireland.

    1. This is amazing! Is this computer enhanced photo? It appears to be black and white except for the center? The flower looks silver. just gorgeous. thank you.

  3. Curious, did someone carve this heart shape in the tree? Or perhaps an animal chopped away creating a masterpiece. The owner we will never know. All I know is this, it intrigued me enough to want to share.

  4. I didn’t get as far as walking out into the world beyond my kitchen. This is what was left at the bottom of my cup after a quiet meditative Earl Grey tea…

    1. Just wonderful! And wonderful that you noticed it! A heart is a terrible thing to waste. :) This is so sweet.

    2. After seeing this I took a quick peek at the bottom of my coffee cup. Nothing, but I sure am glad you found one and shared it ;-)

    3. Oh, wow!
      Love was right under your nose, literally.
      How good you got to notice it!