Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Self-Study Springtime Sale

Abbey of the Arts is delighted to announce the addition of three new self-study retreats/classes along with a sale on the price of individual and multiple class registrations until April 21, 2013.

Combined Registration Discount

Purchase 3 self-study retreats at the already discounted sale price (Women on the Threshold counts as 2 retreats) and receive a 4th retreat for free!

The beauty of self-study retreats is you can start the material at any time!  All three make wonderful possibilities for springtime renewal.

Fine print:

  • Simply register for 3 self-study retreats (or Women on the Threshold and 1 other) and then email me with your choice for your 4th program and I will send you the access information manually.
  • For example, you might register for Women on the Threshold (counts as 2 retreats) and Hildegard of Bingen, and then choose the Creativity and Archetypes retreat as your free 4th choice.  Or you might register for Soul of a Pilgrim, Creativity and Archetypes, and Seasons of the Soul and then choose the Hildegard of Bingen retreat as your free 4th choice.
  • Because Women on the Threshold counts as 2 retreats, you can purchase it as part of your 3 retreat registration, but you may not select it as your 4th free choice.
  • The materials for the retreat on Hildegard of Bingen will be available by March 31, 2013.  You may register now at the discounted price and I will send you the link once the program is available online.
  • Wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers is not included in this offer as registration is through Spirituality and Practice.
  • If you have registered for Women on the Threshold or another self-study retreat in the last month, you are welcome to take advantage of this offer by registering for your additional program(s) and then letting me know your choice for the 4th program.
  • Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Three New Self-Study Retreats

These three new retreats have been added (follow the links for full descriptions and registration):

Additional Self-Study Retreats to choose from

These self-study retreats are also available for registration:

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