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Give Me a Word 2013: Fourth annual Abbey giveaway

Share your Word for 2013

In ancient times, wise men and women fled out into the desert to find a place where they could be fully present to God and to their own inner struggles at work within them. The desert became a place to enter into the refiner’s fire and be stripped down to one’s holy essence. The desert was a threshold place where you emerged different than when you entered.

Many people followed these ammas and abbas, seeking their wisdom and guidance for a meaningful life. One tradition was to ask for a word –  this word or phrase would be something on which to ponder for many days, weeks, months, sometimes a whole lifetime. This practice is connected to lectio divina, where we approach the sacred texts with the same request – “give me a word” we ask – something to nourish me, challenge me, a word I can wrestle with and grow into.  The word which chooses us has the potential to transform us.

  • What is your word for the year ahead? A word which contains within it a seed of invitation to cross a new threshold in your life?

Share your word in the comments section by Tuesday, January 8th and you are automatically entered for the prize drawing (prizes listed below).

A free 12-day online mini-retreat to help your word choose you. . .

This year I am offering all Abbey newsletter subscribers a gift: a free 12-day online mini-retreat with a suggested practice for each day to help your word choose you and to deepen into your word once it has found you.

Sign up here and you can start your mini-retreat today. Once you subscribe you will receive a confirmation email with access to the mini-retreat content (and you are free to unsubscribe at any time).  If you are already a subscriber, the invitation will be in this week’s email newsletter.

Win a Prize – Random Drawing Giveaway on January 7th!

Some wonderful friends of the Abbey have offered fabulous prizes to be included in this  drawing held from all of the names who participate:

Pretty wonderful, isn’t it?  Make sure to check out the links to their websites for all kinds of goodness and thank them for supporting the Abbey!

So please share your word (and a sentence about what it means for you) with us below.  Subscribe to the Abbey newsletter for your free gift. Share the love with others and invite them to participate.  Then stay tuned – on January 7th I will announce the prize winners!

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844 Responses

  1. My word is BALANCE.

    I am just now getting over being sick where my physical balance was compromised. It was a huge reality check and made me think how necessary balance is in ALL aspects of one’s life. (not to mention the word itself popped out at me constantly and we can’t ignore that when it happens, right?)

  2. My word is SURGE…..but I am not sure why…..yet every time that I have thought about it, the same word comes. Perhaps Spirit is going to ‘surge’ in me in 2013? The coming days will make it clear.

  3. The word “appear” came to me this morning. In it is the word “pear,” which evokes so much from that fecund garden.

  4. My word for 2013 is soften. I have unnecessary tension in my body when confronted with challenge. My motto for the coming year is: “I rose up from the acres of self…..”

  5. My word is -Enlightenment.

    Marianne Williamson describes enlightenment as “the power to think in ways that reflect and attract all the love in the world….Enlightenment is not a process we work
    toward, but a choice available to us in any instant.”
    My prayer is that I live this year attracting and reflecting all the LOVE in the world. What a glorious way to live:)

  6. My word is “heart” . For some time now hearts ahve been surfacing in my art – even in scribble drawings. The obvious symbolism of love or valintines did not seem to feel meaningful to me. Later I discovered in the Wisdom Tradition that hearts can symbolize “interior knowing” which meant a great deal to me for many reasons. Just now I am rereading the “Cloud of Unknowing” and the authors instruction to find a word of one sylabol to help press all thought/feeling etc. beneath the Cloud of Forgeting in order to pierce the Cloud of Unknowing reinforced the selection of a one sylable word. Even the images of the Sacred Heart of Mary or Jesus, which used to seem a bit daunting, somewhat over the top, now seem to indicate the heart love and heart knowing that comes with deep longing. So “heart” it is for 2013.

  7. Impermanence

    Recent deaths and my own aging process invite me to embrace this word, keeping a light grasp on all that is.

  8. Soar. My sister and I each chose this word. Through the year we will share thoughts on what it means to soar in our lives. Some things will be similar, some will be quite different. Love the concept of soaring.

  9. My word is SILENCE.

    The significance of the word silence came to me as I wrote a submission to an upcoming issue of a literary magazine; “it is the silence that speaks”. Silence is also a caution with regard to disclosure regarding things best left unsaid, at least for now, Ecclesiastes 3:7.

    1. My word is OPEN. Being able to continue to open my heart to people and to what God has in store.