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Invitation to Poetry: Silence

Welcome to the Abbey’s Poetry Party No. 60!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party!  (If you repost the photo, please make sure to include the credit link below it and link back to this post inviting others to join us).

We have started a monthly theme and in September it is silence, drawn from the first principle of the Monk Manifesto: “I commit to finding moments each day for silence and solitude, to make space for another voice to be heard, and to resist a culture of noise and constant stimulation.”

Write a poem about this commitment and desire.  When you quiet all the noise, both inner and outer, what is the voice you hear?

Photo Credit: “Morning Mist” by Claudia Gregoire

Let your response to these questions emerge in a poem and share below in the comments with the Abbey community.

On Sunday, September 23, I will select one name at random from the submissions and the winner receives a free copy of my upcoming book Desert Mothers and Fathers: Early Christian Wisdom Sayings — Annotated & Explained straight from SkyLight Paths.

September’s theme is Silence (Abbey Resources):

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47 Responses

  1. Arising
    out of morning mist
    from the still small spaces between
    boats along the shoreline;
    no thing heard
    whispering pines have hushed;
    no thing felt
    through the insulated plaid of my Woolrich coat;
    no thing seen
    bifocals only light reflecting lake.
    Yet the mind pulses in its presence
    like the imperceptible motion
    of breathing grebes.

  2. Sunday morning, early
    I make my way though mist
    to the beach

    Sharp breeze tosses my hair,
    cold sand between my toes –
    I have never felt more alive

    The waves sigh in and out
    like ragged breath – no other sound
    even the half-grown gulls
    toddling across the sand are still

    Soon the surf rises up
    against my ankles – I steady myself
    and let the water lap around me

    Staring into the infinite,
    I hear a voice – God’s? My own?
    whispering, “Yes, you belong here.
    Yes, this is your home.”

  3. Come and Sit for a While

    Sit for a while
    In the silence of your soul
    Let the sunshine
    Emerge from within you
    Be the ray of bright light
    When mist colours the days
    Around you

    Sit with me
    In the silence and
    Enjoy this
    Motionless presence
    Of the dawn
    Breaking inside
    Your soul

    The most magnificent
    Springs out of your core
    Like a dervish dancing
    In the fire of your heart
    It is the Beloved
    His words of
    Deep within
    Your soul
    Deep within
    Your heart

    Sit for a while
    And listen
    The Beloved
    Is telling a tale
    Of love

    Into this eternal
    With no hellos
    And no goodbyes

    Just come

    © Iva Beranek (Dublin, 17th September 2012)

  4. i listen for silence,
    wait for the noise of daily life to subside;
    but i slowly discover
    silence is not

    a void.

    silence is presence, cosmos, completion.