Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Stop by this week’s Poetry Party (and only two spaces left in the June writing retreat!)

Have you stopped by this week’s Poetry Party yet?  As always there is an incredible gathering of poems.  This week’s theme is “In Praise of Life’s Detours,” those side-journeys we get called to which take us more quickly to our destination that traveling straight through.  Pour yourself a cup of tea and stay for a while, savor the words, linger over the images.  Then share your own poem before this Sunday for a chance to enter a random drawing where the winner will receive a book of their choice.

June 7-10, 2012 I am offering a brand new Sacred Rhythms Writing Retreat where we will explore yoga, movement, and the rhythms of the day in service to and support of our journey as writers.  It is being held at the beautiful Grunewald Guild near Leavenworth, WA and there are only two spaces left!   This will be a wonderful, nourishing time of diving deep into our bodies and telling the stories we discover there.  Guided by the rhythms of the day, we will move through the hours of awakening, ripening, releasing, and being to listen to how these rhythms might support our creative practice.  This retreat is for every body and anyone who loves to write, or is curious about how movement and writing come together, or who wants to experience following the rise and fall of the day by listening deeply to what the body wants and needs.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Register today!

And there are only a few spaces left in our two fabulous online classes being offered this spring through the Soul Care Institute (for soul care practitioners – spiritual directors, chaplains, pastors, counselors, etc): Earth as Soul Care Matrix: The Wild Heart of Ministry (April 16-May 27, 2012) being taught by me and Live it to Give it: Essential Practice of Soul Nourishment and Self-Care (April 16-May 27, 2012) being taught by Kayce Stevens Hughlett.  Scroll down for more details or click the links to go to the registration pages.  These are limited enrollment classes which always fill up ahead of time.  They both provide a rich experience of connection through online conversation and weekly phone calls.  You enter into a community of support and wisdom for six weeks and the effects are powerful.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Elaine Breckenridge

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Elaine Breckenridge’s reflection on connection with the wisdom of her body, nature, and the healing presence within. In 2015, I took my

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