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More praise for The Artist’s Rule (from Benedictines to Baptists)

The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration publish a bi-monthly journal called Spirit and Life.  In the January/February 2012 issue they had this to say about  The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom:

This author’s work is firmly rooted in Benedictine spirituality, making special note of the “ladder of humility” and Lectio Divina. Moving through the twelve weeks of experimentation with deepening artistic experiences, readers are guided into deeper and broader insights into many aspects of their work and life. They may find that the contemplative aspect of their lives, too, is blossoming.

Rather than stressing “how to,” Paintner gives suggestions on increasing and deepening the reader’s feelings and closeness to people and things through creative encounters. No long treks are involved in finding things to contemplate—your backyard, along with other everyday spaces and events, is seen as a bountiful, wonder-filled place. The author acknowledges that, at times, mundane chores rather than artistic endeavors must be attended to, for that is what life consists of.

And the Religious Herald (a publication of the Baptist church) has this to say about the book:

Our heart requires space to listen, to ruminate and to waken to life—and then (and only then) can we truly create. This is the guiding assumption of Painter’s work. Crafted as a 12-week journey (and that’s the best setting for it—in a group, not individually), The Artist’s Rule connects the spiritual and the creative, the artistic and the monastic. For anyone longing to spark their creative soul or for anyone struggling to pull their art and their faith together, following this journey with a few trusted friends could be a true joy.

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