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Is God Coming? An Advent Theoblogger Challenge

Patheos offers regular Theoblogger challenges, inviting their writers to respond in 100 words or less.  This month’s challenge asks the question “How is God coming into the world this Advent?

Here is my response:

In the Northern hemisphere Advent is the season of growing darkness and waiting in the midst of unknowing. Images of night, mystery, and birthing make my soul sing. During this time that we wait for God’s coming, I pay close attention to my dreams, those nighttime visions that come to show me something new. An angel appeared in a dream to Joseph to tell him to wed Mary even though she was already pregnant. I listen for what holy invitations are being whispered to my own heart that might seem hard to believe in the scrutiny of daylight. God comes into the world through dreams of daring to break through perceived boundaries. We need the night vision of Advent to receive them.

You can read all of the responses here.  Feel free to include your own in the comments>>

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One Response

  1. Advent is the breath that fills the space between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’. It whistles through the meeting place of silence and divinity at the deepest part of ourselves. In this quiet and unadorned place there are only whispers that this is the womb where God waits to be born into the world. We need only rest on the stones arranged in patterns that speak of things both familiar and forgotten beneath our feet. In our repose the kingdom is born from within onto the wheel of the world.