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New review of *The Artist’s Rule*

I received my copy of “Listen” today which is a free publication of Spiritual Directors International.  My book The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom received a lovely review.  Here is an excerpt:

In The Artist’s Rule, the familiar subjects of creativity and spirituality explode into a kaleidoscope of connections that invite the reader into the borderland where these topics converge. Grounded in scholarly knowledge, the book quotes Scriptures, theologians, mystics, psychologists, artists, poets, and others, yet it reads like a stimulating conversation with a soul friend.

To read the whole review, here is the PDF>>

Consider joining me for the winter session of Way of the Monk, Path of the Artist (January 9-April 1, 2012) where we journey together online through the book for 12 weeks of contemplative practice and creative expression in a community of nourishment and mutual support (plus added elements like guided meditation recordings).

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