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Pause a while at this week’s Poetry Party

Are you in need of a holy pause this week?  A few moments of poetic beauty and refreshment?  Then I encourage you to pour yourself a cup of tea and stop by here to linger over the incredible responses to this week’s prompt about “going home.”  You might be with the poems in a lectio way of reading until a line shimmers for you, than pausing there and letting the word or phrase wash over your being until your heart responds.

Then share your own poem because on Sunday, September 25th, I will draw a name at random from the participants and the winner will receive a free registration spot in my upcoming online retreat Honoring Saints & Ancestors: Peering through the Veil.

*Registration* for two upcoming online retreats is now open: Honoring Saints & Ancestors: Peering through the Veil (October 30-November 19, 2011) and Advent 2011–Birthing the Holy: Becoming a Monk in the World (November 27-December 24, 2011).  Register before October 10th and receive a free gift!

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