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Easter Blessings

cherry blossom

Beyond bunnies, baskets, chocolate, and jelly beans, Easter calls us to the profound practice of resurrection of the body. Resurrection is about entering the fire of our passion and letting it burn brightly.  It is about what enlivens us and makes us feel vital.  It is about feeling the full weight and lightness of our physical being.  What would it mean for you to open yourself fully to the sacred breath moving through and sustaining you moment by moment?  How might you let your dreams and passion be resurrected this season?

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The Path of Devotion ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, This Friday, February 14th, our Program Coordinator Melinda Thomas is leading a mini-retreat on Bhakti Yoga and the Inexpressible Delights of Love. Read on for her reflection on bhakti yoga and the path of devotion. There were times in my

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