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Join me in Oregon October 29th (last day for early registration)

Spiritual Directors Fall Seminar

Shalom Prayer Center, Queen of Angels Monastery, Mt Angel, Oregon
Friday, October 29, 2010, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: Bringing Encounters with Nature to Spiritual Direction & Soul Care

When we consider the spiritual direction relationship we often think about the director, the directee, and the Spirit. This workshop will invite us to enlarge our vision of spiritual direction to include the matrix of creation within which our lives are supported and our becoming is nurtured.

Join us for an experiential seminar exploring ways to integrate awareness of, and encounters with, nature into spiritual direction sessions. Through ritual, prayer, poetry, art making, reflection, and being out in creation we will explore a variety of practical tools participants can bring to their soul care ministries.

September 30th is the last day for the early bird discount – $65

I’d love for you to join me and the 50 others who have already registered!

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