Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Tending the Fire: Program in Christian Spirituality and Prayer

If you are in the Seattle, Tacoma, or Olympia area consider joining St Placid Priory Spirituality Center for their program in Christian spirituality and prayer.  I don’t currently teach the program although helped to establish it a few years ago. I wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and practice of diverse forms of Christian prayer.

*Tending the Fire*, Christian Spirituality and Prayer, is a nine-month retreat program designed to explore diverse Christian traditions and prayer practices that deepen one’s spiritual journey and personal faith life. It meets semi-monthly on Tuesday afternoons from 1-4pm and will begin again on September 14, 2010 and end on May 31, 2011. For further information contact Sister Lucy Wynkoop at 360-438-2595 or email her at for an application.

Click here for a PDF flyer with dates, topics, fees, and registration information..

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