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Sabbath Now

For the last two weeks there has been a funny thing happening with my calendar.  Each day when I open my Outlook program a notice appears just like all of the other appointment reminders except this one says “Sabbath: Now.”   I do have my Saturdays blocked off as Sabbath days and so somehow this entry has been logged in as a daily event.  When I press the “dismiss” button I am told that the program can’t find the entry and so I will continue to be reminded.  And so it is, each day I receive a message that Sabbath is now, increasing my anticipation of the rest that awaits me and reminding me to receive the grace of this moment.

My horoscope recently invited my to “intensify my commitment to rigorous authenticity.”  I loved this simple phrase.  With so much fullness in my life my contemplative spirit has been hungry for extended rest and silence.  As a teacher of contemplative practice and a follower of the monastic way if I am to be authentic, I am called to deep Sabbath rhythms in my life.  I am called to remember that Sabbath is now.

The new moon is tomorrow night and in many traditions is a time of turning inward and planting seeds.  And so the Abbey will be on sabbatical for the next two moon cycles and will return on August 9th after drinking deeply of the well of silence.  In these coming days I will be celebrating my fortieth birthday and giving honor to this new season of life I am entering.  I will also be tending deeply to my body and allowing time and space for some healing and restoration.

Feb 14 2009 027Tomorrow – June 12th – is another birthday, Abbess Petunia turns 13 (91 in dog years).  She continues to be a very wise and cherished presence in my life.  She is a profound teacher of Sabbath gifts.

So I wish you – dearest readers and supporters of the Abbey – blessings of summer’s fruitfulness.  May you discover the sweet ripeness of your dreams in the days ahead.

I’ll be back August 9th with lots of wonderful new offerings for fall.  Subscribe above to my email newsletter if you want to be alerted to my return. And there’s a free gift involved as well to help you discover the peace in this moment.

Remember, Sabbath now.

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2 Responses

  1. HI Rachel, we just purchased that book to bring on our own time of travel and I am very much looking forward to reading her perspective on Sabbath. Blessings on your own time of transition!

  2. Just today Borders made me an offer I couldnt refuse to buy The Sabbath World. I will have time to read it during the travel time of a four day bus tour to Yosemite. An incredible opportunity has opened up for me this September, but it will require my greatly simplifying my life in the interim. You postings are a wonderful lead in these directions. Wishing you a blessed birthday and restful and renewing summer. Peace and blessings, Rachel