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Invitation to Poetry: Moments

Welcome to our 39th Poetry Party!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections. Add them in the comments section and a link to your blog (if you have one).  Make sure to check the comments for new poems added and I encourage you to leave encouraging comments for each other either here or at the poet’s own blog.

Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog if you have one and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)


Poetry Party Theme: Moments

Art and poetry are essentially about savoring a moment in time, looking and listening closely and breaking open its gifts and basking in its wonder.  Last week I posted a few words and a video link about the moments that make up our lives.

I took this photo at the beach last week. I love this woman’s pensive look, I wonder what her experience is of this moment in time.  Is she fully present to the beauty before her?  Is she dreaming of the future?  Is she contemplating the past?  For this week’s Poetry Party I invite you to write a poem about a moment in time.  It could be something entirely ordinary that when tended reveals something sacred.

© Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts:
Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts

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27 Responses

  1. The sands at the Cape
    hold our secret deep
    within their dunes.
    The memory
    we never created…

    We laughed and whispered
    as we kissed
    that someday
    we’d make love
    among the sea oats and sand.

    No…ours wasn’t strong enough for this—
    The ocean rolls in and slowly fades out.
    Like you…
    memory and soothing mantra.
    I am washed clean.

    I light the surface with
    scattered diamonds…free.

  2. Pain bolts across my belly like a thief
    wielding a thousand knives

    The amber child cradled in white
    gently accepts his fate

    In the end, golden yellow light
    reveals that mercy has arrived

    The secret promise of a homecoming.

  3. Hi Christine, I actually used a picture of one of my nearly blank/beginning canvases to reflect on how the painting on that canvas “may” come together in different MOMENTS:)
    Love the poetry that’s here already!

    Flat white surface, no tooth, no direction, no aid is offered from the canvas
    Can the painter master this surface, this call,
    this moment

    A formula, a purpose, a yearning
    What will emerge, what image, what pattern will be caught
    in this moment

    Will it hang forever, find the trash bin or dump heap
    Perhaps bask with love and honor in a home of praise and joy
    A reminder of someone else’s
    moment in time

  4. magicmoment
    (repeat forever)

    *vast emptiness, nothing special

  5. Morning Prayer

    I awake and remember
    Your turn

    My heart opens to you
    Receiving your presence and action
    In stillness.

  6. Tears as I write

    I gaze upon the great chasm
    That separates us
    Is there no secure path
    That will allow us to meet halfway?
    Must I really take
    That huge leap of faith
    In order to fly into your arms again?

  7. across the coffee cups
    your jawline above a white cotton shirt
    evokes a love memory set in time
    before the complications that
    make up our entwined lives

    you and me, youthful
    not yet in love

    a different shirt, but white
    jawline slackened, but yours

    love beyond what we knew
    or could even imagine

  8. I had a ‘moment’ less than 24 hours ago in which a poem was spontaneously born from the depth of my heart and soul. I was looking for an image, and voila synchronicity! To my delight receiving this prompt is bringing it all together.

    Poetry Man

    You haunt me with your raspy voice

    And your words kicking up the dust around my soul

    Sometimes you gift me with a smile

    And other times your words sting me

    And they bring tears to my eyes

    If you hope to stir my soul with your words

    And you want to share a piece of you with me

    And you silently wish that I might see you

    Hear you beyond the sound of your voice

    And feel the importance of your essence shared

    Then let me tell you that you do, and much more

    In the brief moments in which I see your soul behind your infinite eyes

    I start to shiver and my skin flushes

    Heat rises and my heart is beating quickly

    Mysteries are being laid before me

    Unknown worlds beckon to be explored

    I feel like flying and floating, tumbling in space

    My thinking becomes disorganized and I lose my focus

    Drunkenly I find my way home through the dark

    Awakening the next morning hung over from so many words and emotions

    And the feel of you covers me throughout the week

    Like honey brown molasses.

  9. Rapture

    Unfurling blessings
    Morning glory blossoming
    Entwining my soul

    Martha Louise Harkness
    August 31, 2009