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Invitation to Poetry: Summer’s Sweet Slowness

Welcome to our 38th Poetry Party!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections. Add them in the comments section and a link to your blog (if you have one).  Make sure to check the comments for new poems added and I encourage you to leave encouraging comments for each other either here or at the poet’s own blog.

Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog if you have one and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)


Poetry Party Theme: Summer’s Sweet Slowness

The other day I posted a list on my blog of things whose sweetness should be savored slowly on summer days.  I invited you to make your own additions to the list and I really enjoyed reading them.  So this Poetry Party is an extension of that theme.  This week it will be in the mid-nineties and sunny here in Seattle, very unusual weather for us, weather that demands we all slow down and savor the height of summer days.  Summer’s invitation is to linger and and notice the beauty in small things.

If you contributed to the previous  list already consider turning it into a poem.  Everyone is invited to create their own Ode to Summer’s Gifts!


© Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts:
Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts

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32 Responses

  1. Like watching grass grow

    so moves the inner life

    in this season.

    So sit a spell,

    watch some of earth’s

    smallest creatures

    go about their lives,

    and trust the process.

  2. Thirty thousand feet flying up in the air
    I am amazed.
    I know it is ubiquitous in its commonness
    but seeing mountains and cities from above the clouds
    never fails to prick my sense of wonder
    no matter how many times I buckle up
    and put my tray in the upright position.
    Ladybug, you do that to me too
    every time by happenstance
    I see you crawling on stem and rock.
    I am amazed.
    I know you have a voracious appetite
    for aphids in my garden that keep you fat and sassy.
    Yet, seeing you immediately lifts my spirits
    not only for the service you provide
    but also because your presence evokes beauty and wonder in me.
    I can then see the trees when before I only looked at them.
    Everything commonplace becomes extraordinary.
    I claim my birthright as a child of creation
    beholding the universe in its splendid diversity.
    I delight in it all.
    Gratitude comes over me
    and I am flush with the warm glow
    of an embarrassment of riches.
    I am amazed.

  3. Lovely Lady

    A lady in red,
    spotted in the tall grass.
    Small hands eager
    to capture summer’s delights.

    A yelp of triumph
    as the trophy is lifted high.
    All come running
    to gather round.

    Slowly and steadily
    she crawls from
    hand to hand,
    her calm unruffled.

    Flying off
    with helicopter wings.
    The lady in red is
    our first love in the garden.

  4. green rosary beads, indeed!

    watering, moving in circles around the wildflowers,
    scattered in ancient motion with the half-moon
    seeds gathered over years
    from many places
    all with an eye to high desert grace

    they make me smile
    these willful, resilient, cheerful guys

    I sit down on my outdoor futon
    under the crabapple
    iced tea sitting on the stump
    that sports a brilliant orange fungi
    growing on the side of it,
    to watch it all
    in astonishment

  5. Every wedding anniversary in July I try to write a poem for my husband. This is for our 39th. We are so blessed.

    Sweet Summer Love

    Floating on the old water bed
    we rest in the forest peace
    of fir tree guardians
    surrounding our home
    built together
    so many years ago

    Ours is a summer love
    a summer wedding
    summer babies
    teenage summers
    cars coming and going
    in the hot nights
    then too soon
    relatives sleeping in the basement
    kids’ summer weddings

    Now we put on our summer skins
    swim together in the cold silk
    of lake and sound
    Our summer lips
    taste summer wine
    taste the miraculous peach soft skin
    of our summer grandchild
    taste the cherry kisses
    of our sweet sweet summer love

  6. “A Summer Day”

    Digging my toes in the garden mud,

    old blossoms golden yellow are beginning to fade

    but new buds appear like a thousand beaming suns.

    I lay in the earthy grass, soft green blades tickling my ears,

    On the radio, Van Morrison calls me sweet as Tupelo honey

    and sends me soaring above the blazing clouds.

    In this moment, time goes backwards through all that ever was

    while deep down joy penetrates every cell of my body

    giving root to the peace and light of knowing.

  7. “Walking in the Waters of the Oceans Love”

    Feel the soft waters surrounding your bodies
    Embracing its loving refreshing nourishment
    Complete oneness
    As thy attention is in the moment
    Caressing you within its vastness
    The sparking water droplets fly about you
    Softening all that is
    You are soothed in living here
    Taking your time along the way
    No worries
    No hurry
    Just full embracement of what is
    Right now
    Breathing is easy
    Your eyes are bright and shiny in the waters reflections around you…
    All that is beauty is one
    It is carried in you, eternally
    Always there
    The gentle tides
    Caress your legs
    Bringing you to the Sacred Center
    Creation as one….
    Slow your pace…
    Ever more still…
    Enjoying this days gifts
    Always there
    In you
    Around you
    Healing all
    Summers quality
    Loving embraces
    Received, Receiving
    Inviting in each day
    Grateful in God’s Creation