Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Art and Spiritual Practice

So have you missed the Abbey this week?  I have been on an amazing journey for five days with even more amazing women.  We close our time together this morning and then I will head back home to rest and renew and will return to blogging Monday.  In the meantime, visit my article on Art and Spiritual Practice at Patheos, a new site offering resources to explore the gifts of different religious traditions.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kathleen Bolduc

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kathleen Bolduc’s reflection Unplugged. As a spiritual director and retreat leader, I love to guide retreatants in unplugging from technology and plugging

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One Response

  1. Yes I do miss you, and am not the least bit envious… But great that you’re on Patheos and contributing. I just joined yesterday and will friend you.