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Prayers for Petunia

My sweet Abbess Petunia needs to have another surgery today.  Back in November she had a tumor removed that was cancerous but tested as low-grade and they thought it had all been removed.  We discovered another small lump near the same spot last week and so they are going back in to remove it. 

I have been relishing the wisdom found in this week’s Poetry Party.  Be sure to go take a peek and share your own poem about the Lenten journey, where an awareness of our mortality and death bring us closer to the beauty of life.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Kathleen Bolduc

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Kathleen Bolduc’s reflection Unplugged. As a spiritual director and retreat leader, I love to guide retreatants in unplugging from technology and plugging

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12 Responses

  1. Christine,

    I remember the days of the deepest misery I’ve ever felt as my dogs suffered. I wish you and Petunia the very best outcome here. My thoughts are with you, Olivia

  2. Thank you all, I am so grateful for being held in prayer and care. Petunia got through the surgery well and we pick her up in a bit to begin her recovery and of course the wait to find out what is going on.

  3. Christine, since I quoted Rev. Jiyu-kennett in the Poetry Party, I just want to extend that here, and add that in her lectures she mentions the profound ability of cats and dogs (and other creatures) and at times the littlest children (as soon as they can sit up by themselves) to meditate, that is, to truly enter into what is called zazen in Zen or contemplative prayer in Christian practice. I certainly have witnessed meditative states of quietude in children, and in many creatures I have cared for. You are in my thoughts Christine, and dear Petunia, and loving prayers of support and recovery go out to you. ~ kigen

  4. Prayers for Petunia already being offered, spoken, thought, smiled and wept. Thinking of her and her humans……