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Visual Meditation: “I was called for this”

“At the entrance, my bare feet on the dirt floor, Here, gusts of heat; at my back, white clouds. I stare and stare.

It seems I was called for this: To glorify things just because they are.”

-Czeslaw Milosz

(most of these photos have appeared on this blog before, but the quote inspired me to group them together) 

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

** Come back on Monday for our 21st Poetry Party  **

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7 Responses

  1. Oh my…thank you for pairing this beautiful quote with these breathtaking photos–giving the breath of spirit, the caress of luminosity, the spaciousness of each image…how can we not praise the sacredness of existence? You too were called for this…

  2. I love the quote as well. It is a very evocative summation of what the writer, the artist does….
    Thank you, Christine.