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Artists Speaking About Their Art

I am honored to be included in this compilation of quotes by artists speaking about their art as a part of a grant project to explore creativity and spirituality.  Some intriguing words for reflection found there, not to mention links to some fabulous artists’ websites.  Click on over to find some inspiration.

How would you articulate the connection between your creativity (whether visual, literary, movement, music, etc.) and your spirituality?  Feel free to answer in the comments below or provide a link back to your blog if you post a response there.  I’d really love to hear your responses.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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11 Responses

  1. Hi Christine,

    I’d have to say, like the Inuit in a sense, or rather like the Dorset culture (which was one of the far older cultures the Inuit came from by intermarriage some say). For them there is no seperation between the spiritual and the artistic, life IS spiritual and artistic. We tend not to see that looking at them, as they have become over the years such a survivalist practical people on the outside, with not much faith visible. But they are dream led traditionally, and take that seriously, and that shows up in the feeling of their more traditional, and i feel very moving, art. That to me shows a seamlessness of the spiritual and creative. I’ll be posting on this, though probably next week.

    Hope alls well, and that you have a wonderful Sunday : ) Wendy

  2. Wow, these are beautiful responses, I am so grateful for the thoughtfulness here.

    Tess, I love what you said: “To make every action into a ritual of awareness” — what a great way to put it.

    Eileen, “rejuvenated” is such a perfect way to encapsulate the experience i have from making art.

    chartreuse ova, what you say about the experience of time is very profound — I love the image of being swept up in the continuum of time and also being beyond time.

    Bette, I couldn’t agree more about beauty in everything. Lately I have been trying to challenge myself to photograph things that are dying or “ugly” to see how beautifully I can capture their images. Your drumming circle experience sounds so vitalizing.

    lucy, I love the tension between getting out of your own way and becoming more visible at the same time — I think the creative journey is all about paradox. And of course I love your reference to being grounded in the elements. :-)

    Archie, I think simple pleasures and crafts are often some of the most beautiful.

    Thank you all, you’ve given me more food for thought!

  3. I practice a very humble craft using paper, scissors, glue, and magazine text and art. My art is very simple but because of its simplicity it grounds me, helps me to center myself and makes me happy.

  4. art and spirituality are ONE in the same for me. to create brings meaning and purpose and connection to my life. if someone is moved by beauty, it is spiritual. there is beauty in all things if you are willing to seek it.

  5. I really liked what you said about “touching eternity” and “touching time beyond time” in your quote (I hope I got that right). The experience of creating is difficult for me to describe. Time is suspended & I am unaware of it moving forward. Yet I am swept up in the full continuum of time all at once. It’s like being nowhere in time AND being everywhere of the past, present & future.

  6. Interesting – my sister and I were just talking about this very subject this morning! For me, when I am creating, I go into a prayful/meditative state. And rather than feeling tired or worn out after what could be hours, I feel rejuvenated. Creating Art is goood medicine for me. I may never create Art that will hang in a museum one day, and there are times I create garbage, but I keep going. If it speaks to someone, I am most grateful. I may not be in the same category with the creative geniuses, but I would rather live as I do than be dogged by my demons. As a recovering alcoholic, I am often asked if I feel that I have lost the creative edge now that I am sober. Admittedly, I am probably less daring, but I’m working on it.

  7. What a stunning collection of quotes. It makes me feel as if I can get under the skin of the artists speaking.

    Connections between spirituality and creativity: well I hope one day to live my life creatively with every breath, in small ways, to have no boundaries between living, creating, and spirituality. To make every action into a ritual of awareness. I’m a long way away from it though.

    I sometimes wonder about the legendary tortured artists: the drunks, the addicts, the wife-beaters, the philanderers, the suicides. And yet they produce works of genius out of twisted lives. How does that happen? Do they need the desperate lives in order to be artists? Is their creativity the only way in which their spirituality can be expressed? I’m not trying to make a point, just musing. (Hmmm – muse – no pun intended!)