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Forty Early Mornings

A New Moon teaches gradualness 
and deliberation and how one gives birth 
to oneself slowly. Patience with small details 
makes perfect a large work, like the universe. 

What nine months of attention does for an embryo 
forty early mornings will do 
for your gradually growing wholeness. 


Tonight is the New Moon and Wednesday begins the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday. I am feeling especially reflective this weekend, listening for what my spirit needs during this holy season ahead.  What will those forty early mornings do for my gradually growing wholeness?  What possibilities lie dormant in the seeds that are just awakening beneath the ground of my soul?

With the New Moon, the sky is swathed in darkness with only the points of light from stars shining in the night.  Watching the moon wax forth from her place of surrender to the beauty of her full orb radiating seems like an especially appropriate way to move into Lent.  Gradualness, deliberation, patience, giving birth to oneself slowly — these are the invitations of our spiritual journey.  Trusting that our careful work and attention bears fruit far beyond what we can see.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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