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Can you hear it?

Can you hear the gentle quickening beneath the earth?

Tomorrow on February 2nd is the feast of Imbolc, Candlemas, the feast of St. Bridget, and Groundhog Day.  It is a cross-quarter day meaning it is the midway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox.  The sun marks the four Quarter Days of the year (the Solstices and Equinoxes) and the midpoints are the cross-quarter days.  In some cultures this is the official beginning of spring.

As the days slowly lengthen and the sun makes her way higher in the sky, the ground beneath our feet begins to thaw.  The earth softens and the seeds deep below stir in the darkness.  The word imbolc means “in the belly.”  The earth’s belly is beginning to awaken, new life is stirring, seeds are sprouting forth. 

In some parts of the country it may still feel like the dead of winter.  Here in Seattle, our weather has been cold but we have had sun for several days which always makes it feel a little like spring.  I even have seen little shoots beginning to emerge as in the photo below taken just a couple of days ago.

It seems appropriate that tonight the moon would be full, her own belly overflowing with light, a portent of things to come.

Candlesmas and Imbolc are traditionally a time to look forward.  What does the new life stirring in your own world sound like?  Can you hear it deep within you? How can you nurture this seedling in the fertile dark earth of your soul in the coming days?

-Christine Valters Paintner @Abbey of the Arts

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8 Responses

  1. J, I believe it’s pronounced IM-bulk. The Bloglines thing has me frustrtaed, they keep saying they have fixed it when clearly they haven’t. I’ll keep bugging them until it works. Love to you too.

    You are welcome Songbird!

    Cathleen, have a wonderful retreat! Blessings on this time away. I look forward to hearing what sprouts forth from you in this creative space.

    Blessings! Christine

  2. I love the word “imbolc” and it’s meaning: in the belly. This weekend I’m going to a Writer’s Retreat in a small “artist” town on Lake Michigan. I’m so looking forward to this as I’ve never attended anything like this; as I make my way there, possibly through blowing snow, I’ll ponder what’s stirring in my belly and then we’ll see what shows up on paper. Thank you for this image! Blessings, Cathleen in Michigan where all the buds are still deep in the snow ….

  3. Thanks Christine,
    This year is the first I’ve heard of Candlemas, and I”m planning to celebrate this weekend! Can you tell me how to pronounce Imbolc?
    Thanks and much love,
    PS: You are still not showing up on bloglines….