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(Interlude continued)

Another amazing hike along the middle fork of the Snoqualmie River today, I took loads of photos but Flickr is telling me I have reached my limit this month (maybe I need to upgrade!).   Just as well, I am tired, that wonderful kind of tired when you have walked for hours, listened through the silence for the invitation of moss and trees, and engaged in long conversations with a soul friend.  These weekly sojourns out to wild places never fail to open up something new in me.

Sweet dreams, tomorrow more lectio divina. . .

-Christine Valters Paintner

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Cathleen, I am so delighted I can witness to hope. Pain does often cloud our vision, and sometimes gives us clarity. The challenge is to rest in that place of tension, honoring both beauty and sorrow. I wish you healing blessings and much beauty. Many thanks too for your wonderful email, I will reply very soon. With peace and love, Christine

  2. Oh Christine, Such beauty and delight, richness and rhythm you give witness to! I have had moments of such awareness and beauty, and I am aware that they are too few. Intention in focus would bring more I’m guessing as well as moving past the pain ~ which sometimes brings a deeper awareness of the simple joys, sometimes prevents me from seeing them. Yet your witness gives me hope for moving beyond life framed in pain. Your photos are exquisite ~ I appreciate the visual art with word art.
    May beauty continue to fill you! Cathleen